There is barely a place where you do not find motors these days- From compressors, refrigeration, roller table drives to china clay production, they have applications galore. However, when it comes to the all-important decision of buying one, you need to be pretty clear about the functionality as well as the specifications you need to serve the requirement.
To make a correct choice amongst W Aluminum, W Cast Iron Motors, besides other viable options, here are the things which you need to consider.
1.Current: Electric current is what powers your motor and too much of it can cause damage to the machinery as well. For direct current motors, stall and operating current, both are important. While an operating current can be termed as the amount of current that the motor is expected draw under the classic torque, the stall current, on the other hand, supplies just enough torque so that motor could function at 0RPM i.e. the stall speed.
Heat sinks are equally important since they are designed to disperse or absorb the heat produced during the motor operation to prevent the coils from melting.
2.Voltage: The main functionality of voltage is to let the net current flowing in one direction besides overcoming the back currently. As the voltage goes higher, so does the torque.
If you apply too fewer volts to your motor, it will not function at all, while too much of it could result in the short winding. This could either lead to the loss of power or the destruction of the machinery under the worst-case scenario.
The voltage ratings that are usually mentioned against W Cast Iron Motors implies the number of volts required for the efficient running. Hence, it is paramount that the recommended voltage should be applied to achieve the optimum level of functionality. Besides, you also need to take the stall and operating values into the account alongside the torque.
3.Speed: Speed also referred to as velocity is an important factor to consider while making a motor selection. Though motors are said to run at their optimum best on their highest speeds, however, that is not always possible to achieve, especially when gearing is required.
Addition of gears is not only going to take down the speed but is going to lower the torque as well, hence, carefully weigh all factors before reaching any decision.
For more information about the specifications and functional usage of W Aluminum, Single phase, W Cast Iron Motors and more, get in touch with us now at